Hello Blogsville,
How are you all doing? Hope everyone had a great weekend? Nothing important happened at this end.
But finally after a long wait that seemed like forever (I know..I know am sorry!),I was finally able to answer all your questions this weekend. Wow! felt I was being grilled @ an interview, infact this one pass interview sef, but all in all I enjoyed answering ur questions. I hope u r satisfied with my answers, and biko read the post to the end.
I just want to say to every follower, reader, commenter, anonymous person that has stopped by, even the non-commenters, I appreciate each and everyone of you. It's been my great pleasure getting to know all of you, sharing in your lives, through your words and your stories...I am honored. Really, I am. Anyways, dnt wanna go all mushy on u guys, since am not going anywhere yet, there'll be enuff time to be mushy later...lol.
Read, enjoy, comment and hopefully come back soon...
What made you blog?
I've always loved to write, when I was about 10yrs old I wrote two children story books, and my Mom was going to have them published and all that, but life got in the way. In my teen years, I started keeping journals (My Dad keeps detailed journals too). So my love for writing coupled with me being introduced to blogspot thru friends posting their blog links on FB, made me blog.. It just feels good to know that someone out there took time out to read what I wrote...I appreciate it and the comments, alot!
Any Blogger crushes?
Lol...hmmm well I used to have a blog crush on Roc when I jst started blogging, but now I jst enjoy his posts.
What are you doing right now? If you weren't, what would you be doing?
I'm guessing u're referring to school ryt? Well, am majoring in Ad/PR and if I wasn't doing that, I'd probably be pursuing an Acting career. I've always wanted to be an actress, took two acting classes, aced them, but I keep second guessing myself and wondering what if it doesn't work out.
What's your perfect holiday?
I would love to go away to one of those beautiful islands, with ML, and just get away from the hustle and bustle of life. Waking up in his arms in a room that has a beautiful view of the ocean, *sigh* evening walks on the beach, moon-light dinners, talking about everything and nothing, non-stop loving making... That day shall come IJN...Amen...lol.
Where would you love your fiancee to propose to you?
Ermm...I honestly don't knw. But wherever it is, I dnt want a random proposal, or a very laid-back approach like "oh so what do u think about getting married?" or "let's get married" or “when do u think we shd go n’ see ur parents in regards to our next step?” ...pls some effort shd be made into making it very special cos that's one moment I'll never forget. I want roses, a heartwarming/moving speech, music, mood setting environment all of which would lead to fire-works after wards if u knw what I mean!
What would you do differently if you had another shot at it?
Right now, if I could do anything over, it'll be my Fall ’08 semester. I let certain emotions get the best of me, and I screwed up my grades. Normally, jst thinking/talking about it wld get me mad at myself and make me cry, but lately I've been able to forgive myself and look ahead instead of backwards. My motto: I can't change what happened yesterday, but every day is an opportunity for me to do better than I did yesterday.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Umm...lol...I honestly dnt know, but it ain't much cos I really dnt go out much so my shoe collection is not as interesting. I was actually gonna count jst for your sake and out of curiosity too, but I can't see all my shoes at the moment (cos fall/winter shoes are in boxes). But all in all, I'd say about 35+ pairs, which really isn't much compared to real shoe lovers/addicts!
How many nice decorated books/journals do you own?
Back in Naija, I think there are about six of them, plus one I used to write poems in one; and here I have used up two journals, have three not used...In summary I'd say I own 15 journals/books.
Did you grow up in B-side?
For those who don't know, B-side means Benin-City, Edo state. Yes o, na for Benin na e I for grow, but I cme comot go secondary school for Lagos…lol
What's your major?
My major is Advertising and Public Relations (Ad/Pr), and I'm loving it!!! Haven't decided yet where my focus is going to be, but I think I might be leaning towards Advertising. PS: If anybody knows, anybody, who knows somebody here in New-York, who has connections with an Ad Agency or PR firm, I need an internship for coming Spring '10. Biko, make una hook a sisteh up....internships are KEY in this industry, and they are freaking competitive. Dalu!
As a young lady, do you think that you've figured yourself out? Like what are you passionate about, characteristics, your weakness; it is always said that we have to know who we are in order to be better. Do you think you've reached that point in your life?
What are you most proud about when you think of your life today? What have you achieved/done thus far that makes you hold your head high, that also pushes you to do more and achieve more?
To be honest, I dnt think I've done anything that's extraordinarily news-worthy, or of that sort. But I hope in my life time I do. I consider my achievements kind of personal at the moment; just being able to go through every day and handle the curve balls that life has thrown my way without losing my sense of self worth and dignity in the process, that I consider an achievement. And it is with that at the back of my mind every day that I walk around with my head held high. My Dad used (still does) to say that although he isn’t a wealthy man, he can walk with his head held high, go to bed guilt free because his name isn’t soiled by anything negative.
What inspires you?
I'm inspired by a lot of things. But first and foremost by one person whom I hold close to my heart, my Mom. She always sees the glass as half full, and believes anything is possible. Her positive energy and her constant hard-work, just propels me to want to go the extra mile in whatever it is I do, but most of all to believe in myself. I'm also inspired daily by the world around me, by the people who I come across, from their personal experiences; to their actions...it is sometimes the little things that speak volumes. Believe it or not, I'm inspired by blogsville...I can't even begin to explain.
Describe yourself in ONE word?
I've never been good at describing myself in a sentence, not to talk of in one word! I honestly prefer that people get to know me and then decide for themselves, and I love the different variations of answers I get from friends. I titled my blog Miss Enigma's Journal because that's the word that I think comes close....ENIGMA. Where do you see yourself in the nearest future?
In the near future, I see myself as a graduate, pursuing my Masters and holding down a full-time job at my dream company, Ogilvy and Mather.
Most embarrassing moment?
I tend to laugh things off easily so it’s hard for me to be totally embarrassed by things. But twice in a row, while waiting @ the bus-stop, I waved at a lady driving past, thinking she was my Boss. I’ve dne it twice now, the woman must think that am nuts!!! Lol…
What do you consider your strength?
Hmmm...I'd say my ability to adapt to situations, and make the best of rough times, and I think my Nigerian upbringing helped a lot. Also, my ability to work well under-pressure; but above all, the good Lord is my strength.
Most prized possession?
My pay-check never heavy reach when I go dey buy overly expensive things. I keep it quite reasonable for now with one or two necessary splurges; but I can't think of anything right now that if I lose, I'll be totally devastated about. They all can be replaced, laptop, phone, zune...so I'll say my journals because they hold memories cannot be replaced, and they are sort of like my life map; you read them and see my transition from a little girl to young woman.
Greatest accomplishment?
Like I said earlier, I dnt have anything that's award worthy or of that sort...but me as a person, I am my own greatest accomplishment. I am happy with the person I am, and am becoming. My greatest accomplishment is ME.
One thing you wish to do that you've never done?
I’ve never gone on a boat cruise…wld like to go on one.
I’ve never been to a major Tennis event…wld luv to go to one.
I knw u said one, but two of ‘em came to mind…lol
How did you and your boyfriend meet?
*blushes* Well, we met while I was in Uni. in Naija. I'm gonna save the details of everything, the ups and downs and the drama for a future post; just watch this space.:-)(PS: He said to write dat we met while he was helping me wiv my clay pot of water on my way back from the stream…lol…dnt ask, ML is jst random like dat, but I luv him lyk dat..lol) I want to hear all about your first love? Me I no cme even knw which one be my first love sef...lol. Well we were neighbors and family friends; saw each other grow up. It started off as a crush o, then in high-school the feelings evolved, and he was my first kiss too. But somewhere along the line when I entered Uni, I realized that what we had wasn't exactly defined and me I was tired of crushing, loving and waiting and not getting back as much as I was hoping for, so I just let go and moved on. We are still friends just hi, watsup, hows everything kind of friends.
How old are u?
Ahn ahn! bros age ain’t nothin’ but a number J
Would you have a one-night stand with someone from a party?
Dats a personal No-No in my own book. And one of the reasons y I’ve never gotten totally wasted; I wnt to be sure am sober enuff to say NO to any advances made, and able to get home in one piece. I no fit for had I known…or the one whr u’ll wake in the morning and wonder what da hell u slept with or made out with…lol
Definition of a Man?
I’ll define a man as one who is God-fearing, focused, knows how to have a good time, loving and romantic, respects and appreciates his woman and knows when/how to take charge. And he isn’t too proud to admit that he’s wrong.
Pls in addition to the above mke the man sabi speak English, and dey articulate; there’s no point having a man when shame go dey catch person to show for public…and a good sense of dressing and personal grooming is a must biko!
Where would you luv to visit more than anywhere in the world, and with who?
There are certain famous landmarks I’d like to visit in my lifetime, top two on my list right now are The Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the Taj Mahal in India; would luv to go with ML.
Celebrity crush and detail perfect date with him.
Omo mehn…I dnt knw who jo…lol. I cnt pick one. Whoever it is, whatever we do will be out of the spot-light; where I can see the real person behind the famous face, and have a real good laugh. Nothing overly romantic abeg, there’s no point catching feelings over wat will not be…lol.
Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
*scratches head*…sorry to disappoint u, but I cnt think of anything o!...lol. If I do I’ll let u know….promise!
What journal would totally define you from outside in? Upload a pic.
Let's see...I think my new journal would best describe me at the moment. A hard-cover for my tough-skin, a soft velvety fabric for my emotional, nurturing and softer side. 1/4 of it is solid black, and the other 3/4 has the design of flowers; The solid black could be for the days I have my mood swings, or when I go into withdrawal and jst dnt wanna talk to anyone, dnt feel like picking phone calls, I just want to be by myself, and sometimes when I am having a bad day or going through some stuff. And the lighter side represents my bubbly chatterbox self, very giggly, happy, constantly dancing and generally in a good mood/high spirits. I think it also represents me of late, stepping out of my comfort zone and trying out new things, and living life more. Inside, the pages are ruled...although I'm not perfect, just like the ruled pages, I have morals and values that guide my life. *Insert Picture*

Thanks for reading till the end...:) Muahz!!! Thanks to everyone who sent in a question(s)...
Rene, Bagguci, Chayoma, BSNC, Myne Whitman, Nice Anon, Ms. Dufa, Roc Naija, Andrea, David, Fabulo-la, Scribbles...thanks guys!!!
Talk to you guys soon,
Miss Enigma!!!
hmmm i loved you journal explanation! that was kinda like me aswell. I realli enjoy reading your stuf! Good job!
Hey Happy 50th oooooo! Omo see d gangsta question u were asked, be like sey u dey oprah lol. I wanted to go into advertising at a point but changed my mind. Helpinh you with a clay pot? omo u go like to explain sha. Love ur blog nd Keep em coming. Now where d cake dey?
happy 50th. i almost tot i wuz reading an interview.
dt question i had n forgot, i think it's who was ur first? if u have 1 n ow wuz it?
whrz d cake n wine n chicken...all d things.....post it 2 me
Nice post for your 50th. I loved your answers. Good luck with the internship.
Nice interesting read. I did enjoy reading em.
U try oh
Answer all these questions.
Good job
happy 50th.wishing you many more blog years.
wow.. i like how u described ur journal...
Inspires me to think abt..mine..a lil deeper..
wow this is definitely a nice read ..i like how u answer all the questions and ur journal answer very creation...good job
nice Q&A's. definitely a nice read. :)
and o yeah- happy 50th
HAPPY 50TH...but ehn, you didn't answer all my questions oh!!!
no worries...i shall probe you soon...LOOL...when i do, just know that it's all in the name of love!!!
love the way you described your journal though and your choice of words...
nice.. always good to have some insights into the lives of the people behind the abstruse monikers!
I came late,so i'd ask mine when you make your 100th...no,60th post anniv. I enjoyed reading anyway,these pple can ask
I love anything related to advertising, P.R and brand management! I want to have it as a second degree
@Your perfect holiday&proposal, who no like good thing..lol
I'm also more patient with strangers, I guess "tolerance" is the word.
I like journals that are ruled cus my handwriting is always flying off the page.lol
Your definition of a Man is so ON POINT!
Happy 50TH!!!! Thanks for taking your time to answer...Good job!
@ Ebony: Thanx!
@Scribbles: Na rili gangsta questions...lol..thanx!!! :)
@Rene:This was as gud as an interview mehn...lol...umm first? first to what exactly, specify...lol
@Myne Whitman: Thanx...I need it!
@Nice Anon:Glad u enjoyed reading.
@Chayoma: Wetin I go do na...had to kip my word.
@Leggy: Thanx dear...I plan on staying around for mre yrs to cme.
@Fabulo-la: Happy that I got u thinking about urs...thanx!
@cici: Thanks...biko cme by again.
@Tigeress: Glad u enjoyed reading.
@David: Guy u dey find trouble o...lol...happy u enjoyed reading!
@Bagucci: That was d goal o.
@Lyrics: U can say dt again...am glad dey asked sha.
@Ms. Dufa:My darling...glad u enjoyed. Na true sha o...everybdy lykk betta. And as for d definition, guess we on d same page.
Thanks guys luv u all!!!
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