Hello Blogsville,
How's everyone doing? How YOU doing? Hope things are going well.
Sorry for my absence, life has been hectic. And, I've been trying to "put my house in order."
Had two mid-terms earlier this week, and lets just say the Lord is in control...cos the kind of questions that were on there, and the way they were phrased...well, like I said, He's in control.
Thank you to everyone for ur concern on my last post. Taking responsibility for one's actions is tad-bit hard. Especially, when you have no clue of what the final out come will be. It could either go well, and you get a chance to make it right or you don't and then you lose it all. Well, its not a good feeling sha, and the anxiety can drive one up the freaking wall...but the inner peace that comes when its all settled is so calming. (Hpe that made sense...if it ddn't, dnt sweat it!)
So I finally opened another blog for school; really wish I cld share it with you guys, but then that would mean my anonymous status will be going out the window! Not ready for that just yet...:(.
Help me out my dear blogsville residents, please who remembers the infamous Macmillian Reader? The one with Mr & Mrs Nwosu, and them cooking rice and chicken. And also the very popular Ali and Simbi characters. Simbi with her thread hair-do. We were reminiscing @ school the other day, and Zena said she had never heard of them...lol. Pls can someone tell her that Ali and Simbi were primary school celebrities mehn...lol.
Snow in October??? I'm finished!!! This is definitely gonna be a bone chilling winter this year, and I'm sooo not looking forward to it o! Dear, Lord. Seriously, u have no idea how much I dread winter. :(. Waiting for the bus in such bone piercing, blood freezing, toe-numbing conditions is not fun AT ALL! Just thinking about it, makes me wanna cry.
On a totally random note, in my attempt to try and learn new words (even though, I forget them within days) and increase my vocab to Oga Bagucci's grammar level I found this really long word, and thought it was interesting.
triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
Fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.
Aiight people, that's about it for now. Its time for me to go have some 'Sweet Dreams'Have a great day guys!
Talk to you guys soon,
Miss Enigma!